Friday, December 11, 2009

Why man don't have to apply lipstick and make-up when go for proper occasion But woman have to?

i am a girl

i prefer guys who do something with their hair nlike spikes

but then again girls do something with their hair.

that is a really

gud question honestly

al hav 2 ask a psychologist

maybe its coz girls care an r bothered by da way they luk an guys aint dat boverdWhy man don't have to apply lipstick and make-up when go for proper occasion But woman have to?
Because the days of the Ancient Egyptians and Powdered Wigs in England are over with. Men used to wear makeup. But as fashion changed and people grew accomstomed to certain things, men dropped the powder. It used to be illegal for a woman to show her ankles. Times change and men wearing makeup is no longer the norm. Although, now more and more men are wearing makeup again and there is a new line of men's makeup coming to stores soon. So as the times move on.. men may start wearing all that stuff again.Why man don't have to apply lipstick and make-up when go for proper occasion But woman have to?
Because that's the way it is.

Besides, you don't HAVE to as a woman. It's just a society thing. I forget to wear makeup even to formal things all the time.
Because there is none that match our shoes.

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